
Cari Rosmarin

Cari Rosmarin’s paintings and drawings have been featured in solo and group exhibitions in numerous New York galleries, and she also has pieces is display throughout the country.Cari’s work resides in numerous private and corporate collections, including those of Pfizer Chemical, Reader?s Digest Corp., A.T.&T., Prudential Life Insurance Company, CBS Art Collection (The Good Wife) TV show, and the New York City Health & Hospitals Corp.Cari received a B.F.A. from the State University of New York at Buffalo and an M.F.A. from Hunter College in New York City.

Solo exhibits in New York include:

Westbeth Gallery & Project Room, The One Twenty Eight Gallery,?The June Kelly Gallery, and The Bronx Museum of the Arts.

Group exhibitions in New York include:

The Drawing Center, White Columns, Westbeth Gallery, 128 Rivington Gallery.

National exhibits include:

Albright-Knox gallery in Buffalo, the Provincetown Museum in Provincetown, MA, the Nassau County Museum and the Islip Museum in Long Island, NY, the Virginia Miller Gallery in Coral Gables, FL, the Waterworks Visual Art Center in Salisbury, NC, the Woodstock Art Association in Woodstock, NY, etc.

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